Hi everyone, welcome to the Fuse! My name is Pascha Brown, born Pascha Burr in November of 1974, in Southern California. I am currently a Personal Trainer, Pilates Fusion Instructor and part owner of The Fuse Fitness; better known as a Fitness Fanatic!

My beautiful mother instilled the importance of health and nutrition in our household.  My brother and I didn't have our cupboards filled with unhealthy snacks such as cookies, chips, candy etc. Instead we had fruit and pistachio pudding for dessert (By the way, were we the only family in the world who ate pistachio pudding?). Because of my healthy foundation, I have maintained a healthy vegetarian lifestyle up to this day. Thanks Mom!
My love of exercise began with Track and Field. In my freshman year in high school I really developed the skill set and confidence I needed to excel. The adrenaline rush and power I felt when leaping over the high jump with ease was priceless! I am thankful to have been blessed with great athletic genes from both of my parents. My mom was a dancer at California State University of Dominguez and was an exercise fanatic herself. My Dad was not only a wrestler, but also a football player and boxer.  As Lady Gaga says "I was born this way!”  Thanks Mom and Dad!

I am now married for almost 10 years to my wonderful and handsome husband Terence Brown, who is an ex MVP football player and basketball player at California State University of Fresno, where we met. Together we have a beautiful 5 year old daughter Anai Brown, who loves to dance and play basketball as well. I have introduced the same health and wellness values my mother has taught me. Anai loves broccoli, carrots, blueberries, oatmeal and Kashi Blueberry flakes cereal, just to name a few of her favorite healthy foods.
Learning to live healthy is not only influenced by people you surround yourself with, but also about inspiring others to keep them and yourself on track, and maintenance is key. Living healthy is about your whole well-being--feeling good about yourself, feeling stronger, feeling energized, being consistent and making healthy life choices.
The reason I love my profession is because it is very rewarding and my clients inspire me to stay focused, results oriented, encouraging and motivating. I love waking up to go to work every morning.
Kristin and I created the Fuse because we wanted to meet the needs and goals of
our clients with a positive and creative approach. I hope you enjoy sharing our journey as we take you along the Fitness ride of your life at the Fuse!